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Oct. 19 news, hacking from time to time, especially fierce recently. Recently, IT home editing through microblogging found that a large number of friends encountered the case of Apple ID account theft, and according to the reaction of users, these cases have some common characteristics, such as most of the use of third-party mail account and password registration Apple ID, and ID stolen, registered in the mailbox on the system have received a message entitled to provide unlock, but the premise is the need to deliver a certain amount, you can determine, is clearly a premeditated hacking blackmail . Apple ID stolen and suffered extortion events we have often heard, but it seems very rampant recently, therefore, IT home editing friends in this need to remind friends to protect Apple ID account security need to pay attention to the place.
According to the reaction of users, just in today's Apple ID account stolen there are several incidents, such as friends in the ID account stolen, said "no longer use the Apple phone," "ID will always have holes," and Anti-lost system can be used by hackers and even a treasure can be picked up on the blacklist of the lock has been locked id phone to unlock the same time posted a mobile phone account stolen hacker hacker to unlock the screenshot. In addition, there are people of Beijing, said the original Mr. iPhone6s iPhone ID theft, another iPhone and an iPad due to the use of the same ID account, also locked, resulting in greater losses.
In addition, according to Apple customer service response, the recent Apple ID account stolen events is indeed significantly increased, "every 10 access to the phone there is a Apple ID stolen", but such events are not unavoidable , So we usually use the Apple ID when the need for more attention. According to the above users reflect the situation, they are registered in the Apple ID are used when the third-party email account and password registration, in fact, the use of third-party mailbox as Apple ID password to retrieve the mailbox is dangerous. First of all, many people will use the mailbox at the same time to register more than one site, if any one site leaked, then your Apple ID is also very likely to be implicated, in addition, the mailbox is a number, machine simulation easier to generate a valid mailbox, you can Greatly reducing the workload, and if you generate a letter box, many are invalid mailbox.





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